A Disclaimer

As someone who knows precious little about blogs I have a hunch that most are opinion based. This one certainly is and I'd like to take a moment to point out something that should be common sense. My opinion is not the same as yours. If it is at the moment it's not going to be later. I am not at any point going to be stating facts. I will do my best to fact check but all toward the purpose of forming opinion. I will hate things that you love and love things that you hate. It is in fact okay. No one will melt or have to be destroyed in armed combat. Dismiss me and my ilk as a raving lunatics and move on with your hopefully pleasant day. However as my wife will gladly inform you I do love to debate so feel free to drop me some hate mail via digitaldevil712@aim.com she will appreciate not having me starting arguments over what kind of food to have for dinner. Yes, I know that AIM is ancient. It's a nostalgia thing. Feel free to poke fun.